It’s time to bring this saga to its sense-shattering conclusion… or really drop the ball, you can’t know going into these. So, last issue, Spider-Man fell out of the SHIELD Helicarrier, and…
MTU 084
It’s part 3 of this weird SHIELD story. Same creative staff. The first scene is on the SHIELD helicarrier, now completely under the control of our villains: Boomerang, Silver Samurai, and Viper,…
MTU 083
Part 2 of this insane storyline. Same staff as the previous one. Page one, Spider-Man is laid out in the snow. Claremont’s typically flowery prose says he was, “in a word, murdered.”…
MTU 082
I don’t want to sound like an old man… Although I guess I am an old man by some metrics… But they really don’t make covers like this anymore. Covers that dare…
MTU 081
Claremont & Vosburg hang on from last issue, with inks now handled by Steve Leiahola. Satana is using the Orb of Agamotto to see what’s up with Wong & Spidey, who are…
MTU 080
Oh, ho! Dr. Strange and Clea! Maybe that business in MTU 77 & 78 is going to pay off here. Ok. Let’s see. Chris Claremont remains on as writer, with Mike Vosburg…
TAC 035
This cover sure doesn’t evoke a labyrinth. Probably wasn’t made with this issue in mind. But what if it was? This cover is looking pretty wonky. Inconsistent perspective and proportion. Spidey is…
FF 207
Wait, what? Yeah, this issue of FF is actually important, so I got it when I found out. Marv Wolfman was working on both titles at the same time, you see. He’s…
ASM 193
He has all your powers, does he? Name one. After the events of last issue, Peter is worried JJJ might have peeked under his mask while he was unconscious, so he drops…
ASM 192
My copy of this book is pretty bad! Warped and weird, with a rip in the back cover. But, hey, at least it also smells terrible. Whew. Can’t win ’em all. Jim…