ASM 500! The original numbering restored. This happened with most anniversary issues around this time. The reboots of the late 90s served their purpose, and now a big fancy number would serve…
Category: 2000s
ASM V2 58
Better cover than last issue by Harris. The history of comics has me so used to referring to issues as “last month” or “next month,” but from this era forward, comics are…
ASM V2 57
An extremely weird cover from Tony Harris. Has he done one already? That Tangled Web block really threw me off, hard to remember. He really made his name on a Starman series…
ASM V2 56
Another thing about these Fiona Avery joints is they never got past 2 parts, as I recall. Real filler-type stories. The plot credit is swapped this time, with Avery getting first billing,…
ASM V2 55
I’ve put myself in this weird position where, when I finish a batch of USM issues, I don’t want to go back to ASM, and when I finish a batch of ASM…
UXM 38 & 39
Wolverine is all face on this cover. This was one of Finch’s early weaknesses, he drew people’s heads too small, like there wasn’t enough room in their skull for a brain. I…
UXM 36 & 37
Look at those claws. Starting around the mid-90s, making Wolverine have claws so long that they couldn’t possibly retract back into his arm became fashionable, and it stayed that way. You know,…
UXM 35
As is often the case, we rejoin the story the moment the previous issue ended. Suddenly, the baddies’ van is violently flipped on its side. As they get themselves together, the lead…
UXM 34
In the very beginning, Bendis was supposed to write both Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men. That didn’t work out, and Mark Millar and Adam Kubert eventually got the gig. Millar had been…
USM 045
That’s one skinny ankle on that back foot! I wonder how boring Bags found these covers. I dunno, maybe it was a relief to just be able to crank out a random…