Well, bit of a swerve to start this issue, as Peter’s landlord wanders in on the festivities…

I know I keep talking about how continuity is over and/or how the Jemas/Quwsada regime will try anything, but I’m nevertheless surprised they’re letting Ennis stomp around this bit of the lore when JMs has staked it out so dramatically. This, after all, sees print the same month as ASM 32. Peter’s only just been told he’s a spider totem and maybe that spider was trying to bite him on purpose to give him powers, and now this guy ate it. Feels like it’s really stepping on JMS’s toes. And I bet neither he nor Ennis knew what the other was doing, even.

I mean, would JMS’s spider emissary really be party to this? It seems like the spider that bit Peter IS the villain here, it just has Carl’s consciousness. I dunno, man, if I was Axel Alonso, I don’t think I would’ve allowed this. But… I’m not. And thank goodness for that, after all the trouble he had as E-i-C later.

As it becomes Fightin’ Time, Spidey says he remembers Carl. That he remembers how no one liked him because he was a weird creep, how he was scared of girls and just made people nervous to get their attention. This version of their history really upsets Carl, who rants about how Peter can’t judge him from his perfect life as the battle gets increasingly brutal.

The mean streak that runs through Garth Ennis’ work really coming out in ol’ Carl there. Peter punches the top of his landlord’s head right off, revealing the giant spider crouched in the head cavity while saying his life has been far from perfect, then they fighting continues. Carl keeps ranting about he’s gonna take Peter’s life. Peter gets thrown through a wall and right into a big sign that says “DANGER.” He tries to warn Carl, but…

Well, that’s that. Somewhat surprisingly, to me, the Thousand have never returned. I mean, I don’t particularly think they should, but comics being comics and Ennis writing Spider-Man being bound to draw a ton of eyeballs, I’m surprised no one picked it up. Dan Slott, he loves a terrible idea, he should be all about it. Anyway. Next post, new creative team.