This month, we randomly have a cover by Terry & Rachel Dodson. Not their last appearance on this blog. The Spider-Office seems to have been booking cover artists for 3 each, but…
Tag: J. Michael Straczynski
ASM V2 53
Romita, Jr’s art has changed so much since the first time he was on ASM, and yet things like that left leg & foot were there from the start and continue to…
ASM V2 52
No less an authority than Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort has said that, during the Jemas era, the general cover mandate was single characters, even for team books, preferably female, preferably scantily…
ASM V2 51
It’s so funny to me that J. Scott Campbell’s bread & butter is “he draws sexy women.” Does he? Is this bucktoothed fencepost of a woman hot? Are those guys all reacting…
ASM V2 50
Alright, thumbs up, let’s do this: Hot start on page one! What could possibly have made Peter stop paying attention at such a pivotal moment? Well… it’s understandable… This is a delightful…
ASM V2 49
Some skiiiiinny legs on that Spider-Man, wow. That’s page one. Just jumping right into it this time. A rare appearance by Peter’s wedding band. It’s a good thing all this happened on…
ASM V2 48
Boy, these generic covers. JMS has been trying to introduce new villains all over the place and none of them even get a cover. Cho’s 3 covers are marginally different, but ultimately…
ASM V2 47
And we’re back with Peter Parker, expecting an attack from Shathra anytime. Which, if he really is, makes it prrrretty irresponsible to go to work, yeah? Dan Kemp is suddenly back on…
ASM V2 46
I’ve had this out of whack for a long time, but PPSM is now 2 months ahead of ASM. For a second, anyway. We’re back to ASM, and 3 months of covers…
ASM V2 45
This month, what is more or less the stable cover treatment for Marvel Comics for the foreseeable future is in place. The little red rectangle with (Pretty arbitrary) content rating, issue number,…