Alright, back on track. The usual suspects of Howard Mackie, John Romita, Jr., Scott Hanna & Gregory Wright on deck. We open on 2 pages of a kid being chased by cops for doing graffiti in Thailand stumbling into the final temple and getting possessed, but for this blog’s purposes, we’re much more interested in the scene switch to Spider-Man swinging MJ to safety, his stupid secret finally revealed to save her life.

We are really, really cranking through subplots here. Peter & MJ more or less resolve their simmering tension in 2 pages, Arthur’s off to deal with Ward, and yet we’re off to more Eighth Day. Which supports me feeling that what’s about to happen in this book wasn’t meant to come on so quickly. My theory is that this relaunch didn’t pull in the numbers they hoped for, and someone felt something drastic was needed. Across 3 strange pages, Spider-Man swings around wondering why he’s off trying to help Arthur rather than protecting MJ, Peter goes to the Bugle but everyone’s freaking out and no one can help him look for Arthur, then a tremor shakes the building and he becomes Spider-Man to check it out, all the while lamenting how things are strained with MJ and vowing (repeatedly, even) that he’ll never let anything happen to her. Meanwhile, what’s in the basement of the Bugle? Not what you’d guess.

Why, the Stonecutter creating the God Machine, of course. How convenient! Spidey’s reaction to his own web is pretty good.

A lot more comedy business than you’d expect this issue. Spider-Man wrapped in the remains of the Avengers’ famous security system is also pretty good. Sure is lucky these guys decided to come kick back in at the house after their parts of the crossover, eh? Surprisingly, IM and Thor tell Spider-Man to stay put as they go deal with 8 Juggernauts and a so-called God Machine all by themselves. I mean, that’s pretty absurd. Then that Dr. Vernon guy who did all the deciphering in IM 22 exposits and Spider-Man before running off to try to help the heroes. Spidey thinks it’s crazy that everyone thinks he can’t pull his weight, and that just one Juggernaut is too much, and suddenly has an idea. Back downtown, the Bugle is being evacuated (With Glory and Betty physically dragging JJJ out over his protests) when Spider-Man shows up to… use the phone. What, the Avengers don’t have a phone? This is a very old school comic book. He does what anyone should do in a Juggernaut situation and calls… Professor X, who’s soon on the scene as a mental projection following Spider-Man to the God Machine.

Probably not as “no more” as advertised, but I wouldn’t know.

Spider-Man’s distractions allow Thor and Iron Man to start shootin’ up the place, which lets Spidey get further into the machine. As everyone, good and bad, rushes after him, Spidey gets to Stonecutter, and thwips the vaguely 90s cell phone looking device out of his hand to stop his work, but he’s unable to damage it.

Mmmmmmaaaaaan that last panel is doing a lot of expository heavy lifting! Man! Well. We’re ready for the grand finale next time.