The two pierce tags are in agreement! Alex Saviuk is still primary this month, inked by Don Hudson, tho that Derek Yaniger does the cover and an interlude. Wonder what this is about. Maybe just trying to give Alex some room for the upcoming oversized #100. Anyway, picking up from last issue, Blood Rose is nice enough to let Robbie flee before he and the other goons attack, once again the first page leading to a 2-page splash.

Spidey continues running circles around these dummies as he should until he gets caught in an electrified net. He’s able to rip out of it, but is not in great shape as BR is about to execute him.

Robbie’s tough as nails! We bop over to Foreigner’s place to see him instruct his goons to kill Blood Rose now that they’ve helped him, and then he tells “The New Enforcers” they’re all set to go take over Kingpin’s empire. The who now? They’re shadowy and as yet unseen. Then we cut to that interlude drawn by the other guy, as Richard Fisk is hunted and taunted across this island by Trench. Richard almost falls to his death, but manages to pull himself back up off a cliff in time to be taunted by his, I dunno, captor? I have no idea what’s going on here.

Man, his hair grows FAST! Maybe the sequence last issue was meant to have happened awhile back, which would make more sense.

Very weird. Back in the city, Spider-Man heads to The Bugle and switches to Peter to try to deliver some film Fisk Tower “before the fall.” But Robbie wants nothing to do with it or him, and they are really at odds out of nowhere in this story. What is this?

What a confusing page! That reversal in those bottom inset panels just looks like one panel at first. Wow. What’s Betty up to? No idea. Quick cut to the sewer, where some of those dumb Deathspawn things are fighting over Doppelganger, then back to Spider-Man, some hours later, swinging around looking for Blood Rose. He gets a ping from his spider tracer and sets out to nail the guy. We cut to Foreigner’s office, where only one of the goons assigned to kill Blood Rose returns home, and guess what?

So, so 90s. Next issue, more of this nonsense, and The New Enforcers.