I am so confused. I didn’t think I’d read this. But I did think the cover promised a story similar to an issue of Web from the 30s. But I looked it up and that comic doesn’t exist, so I guess I’m thinking of this one. Does any of that matter to anyone? Probably not. Seems like maybe a short skirt isn’t the ideal crime figthin’ attire, Betty. This issue has no fewer than 3 inkers, credited by last name, Al Williamson, someone named Stegbauer, and Al Milgrom. I hope the middle guy’s name is also Al. Alas, I looked it up, and it’s Mark. We almost got the Triple Al! PLUS an Alex. So close. Look, Spider-Man’s minding his own on the first page when our old pal Killer Shrike comes smashing through a window he was passing threatening to kill him.

Al Willimason’s inks are so sharp. He lets the penciler’s style shine through completely, but you can tell it’s him just by how tight it is. Shrike tackles them through the air trying to choke the life out of a still very confused Spider-Man, who decides he better work on saving them both from smashing into the pavement.

Spidey leaves the still-ranting Killer Shrike tied to a lamppost and gets on with his evening. Elsewhere, a neighbor of Betty Brant’s is trying to take out the trash when he sees the 2 villains on the cover stalking toward her apartment and is summarily killed by them. That seems bad. The next day, Peter Parker is feeling weird. He’s telling MJ his run-in with Killer Shrike made him think that his life is a series of the same bad guys coming for him over and over, and he wants to do something spontaneous. She has to go to work, tho, so that’s out the window. So Peter goes for a walk alone to brood when he runs into Betty, dressed all “90s tuff” like on the cover and visibly nervous. She says she can’t talk, then glances over her shoulder, and then…

Remember how in, like, 1996, they were acting like Betty was just getting into being a reporter and was kind of green and not ready yet? Then what’s this?

These are some very of-their-time villains, and I’m amused how much the caped one looks like a character Saviuk will co-design soon called Nightwatch. Betty moves on Notwatch, who’s not quite down, and then kung fu’s him in the face. Spider-Man is pretty shocked by all this. He wants to get into Betty’s fight, but is once again zapped by the other guy, and has to deal with him as Betty does a surprising job standing up for herself, all things considered. And throughout, no one can hear anything.

Spidey continues battling the 2 guys, who at least aren’t bothering Betty anymore, as they produce more weapons and demonstrate considerable super strength. Finally, he gets grabbed up by the caped guy, but as his partner’s about to zap him, he twists, letting him zap his pal instead.

Spidey swings Betty away as the Pulse guy blows up the diner.

Cannot believe I managed to make 1148 posts without talking about what happened to Ned and they’re ruining it before I can get there this late in the game. Ugh.