Feels like The Trapster has appeared on this blog 100% more than he should have. What is this, like 7 appearances now? He’s the bottom of the barrel of Fantastic Four villains, why do I have to keep looking at him in Spider-Man comics? This month, Todd DeZago & Gregory Wright have a fill-in art team, and it ain’t good! Josh Hood and John Lowe are here to try to convince you they’ve seen what humans beings look like, but I am unconvinced. The cover by Yancy Labat is not representative. As we begin someone (The Trapster) is beating up 2 guys apparently sent to beat him up or something. I dunno.

Woof. That cop looks like he’s inflating. The next day, at The Bugle, Peter and JJJ are arguing about whether Spider-Man was responsible for torturing those guys. You can imagine how that’s going, but you can’t imagine what it looks like.

I mean, this is… horrendous. Also, Peter looks more like Lance Bannon. His hair even looks red outta nowhere. Why is Ben the first desk outside JJJ’s office? He doesn’t have a secretary anymore? And where’s Robbie in all this? Later, Trapster sees The Bugle blaming Spider-Man for his crimes and gets 3 whole pages to rant about how it’s not fair and he’s a “master of trapping” and he’s gonna be huge and blah blah blah, who cares? Trapster sucks, the art sucks, Todd DeZago is the weakest writer on the team. This is the definition of filler.

All this AND this yutz draws the webbing on Spider-Man’s face wrong. Permission to treat this issue as hostile, you honor. Spider-Man follows a trail of Trapster’s victims around town to the scene of him beating up some hood who works for the previous mentioned Gavin Thorpe.

Ugh. Trapster leads Spidey into a warehouse he’s completely filled with glue and “lubricant”-based traps, and eventually Spider-Man’s luck runs out, and he falls into a vat of goop.

So now we’re gonna Batman ‘66 this. I guess I’ve owned this issue since it came out, but I don’t remember it in the slightest. Trapster leaves, because a villain is required to do so when setting a giant deathtrap. Spider-Man shoots a web over a girder in the ceiling in an arc that sticks it to the generator, so that when it falls, he yanks him out of the way. Ok, sure. It took Trapster like 6 pages to set this up and Spider-Man gets free in just one. Fill. Er.

Aunt Anna, I am so sorry they did this to you. You don’t deserve it. How does this comic keep getting uglier? The next day, Peter is once again telling JJJ he’s got it wrong, but that goes as well as it always does before Jonah throws a curveball.

Wait, what??? This issue leads right into what I happen to know is a 3-part Savage Land story and The Trapster just… gets away? That is insane! The cover said “THE FINAL TRAP!” He didn’t even… Uuuggggghhhhhh.