It’s weird that Spectacular & Web have John Romita, Sr. cornerboxes as Amazing doesn’t right now. This cover has never made a bit of sense to me. Did that ill-defined weapon of some sort kill Spider-Man from the inside out, leaving only his costume? Why does the weapon have 3 barrels and yet none of them are the same shape or design? Ah, well. Inside the comic, Peter Parker is in Emporia, Kansas, to see the scientific facility that could be his new job, which Jacoby from last issue calls “his new home.”

The facility is huge, and adding a new wing. That construction brings a fussy scientist called Dr. Royce Nero and the boss of construction, Wes Cassady, to an argument as Peter & Jacoby walk by. But then an explosion rocks the area, and we learn an acetylene torch blew up, and the fire may lead to a chain reaction. Cassady evacuates the site, Jacoby runs off to give orders, and Peter…

Well, then. As Cassady finishes saving the day, he spots Spidey, and since neither of them want anyone to see them, both sort of sheepishly run off in opposite directions. Back in his regular clothes, Peter wonders what other weird stuff he might run into on this trip, which is a perfect segue to Dr. Nero working on some kind of laser glove and saying he’s almost ready while looking all evil and stuff. We cut to New York, where Silver Sable is informed only one of the 6 Wild Pack operatives she sent looking for Franz Kraus returned. Kraus apparently has a big organization behind him. Silver decides they need to hire a special operative. But we’re back in Kansas now, as Spider-Man is looking in on Wes Cassady, who’s about to go inside and watch TV with his family when he sees a superhero up on his roof. Cassady once again knows he’s there, and when Spidey asks how, he’s told it’s a long story.

Incredible fashion sense. Wes reveals that he was… you won’t believe it… bitten by a radioactive jack rabbit. And gained its speed and kicking ability. Really.

He’s got a point. Back in New York, Silver Sable shows up at the apartment of Sylvester Mann, aka William Baker, aka Flink Marko, aka The Sandman. Too many names! They met in a previous Spidey adventure we’ll see later, and Silver’s got a job for him. Also in New York, Mary Jane gets a phone call from Peter, who’s super excited about his new job prospect. She doesn’t let him know, but MJ, however, is not excited. Back in Kansas, it’s time for some exposition.

Never trust a man with a name like “Royce Nero.” He’s gone and made himself a low budget Satan Claw. But as chaos ripples through the campus, Peter Parker soon learns of the trouble, and thus, Spider-Man is on the scene. Nero is understandably even more shocked to see Spidey than most of the people he runs afoul of, being in Kansas and all.

Nero’s glove has a rather absurd amount of gadgets built in, like a hardening foam that he uses to immobilize some guards, and a sonic blaster he uses to immobilize Spider-Man shortly thereafter. Pinned to the floor, Spidey begs the nearby Wes Cassady to help. Cassaday debates revealing his secret…

Whatever shall they do? Come back next time to see Peter get divorced and move to Kansas.