I made it. A block of books from every major era of ASM complete. That’s pretty cool. Tomorrow we go back to the start. This image had me drawing so many characters & costumes I’ve never drawn before. Jessica, Desiree, Shirley, Devon, Buzz, Armada, Gaunt. Never had any reason to draw them before. These awful takes on Mysterio and Hobgoblin? Of course not. I’m increasingly thinking I’ve never even drawn Ben’s Spider-Man costume. Pretty sure I did draw Kaine back in the day. So edgy. Also, still trying to reflect the look of each period means this one doesn’t stick to the 4-color palette, and I could do some crude photoshop shading and even lettering, since I needed to. I actually put a lot of thought into making sure the shading and modeling wasn’t more sophisticated than what I saw in these comics. The techniques were still pretty new back then. An interesting exercise. Anyway, come back next time for the much-anticipated return to Stan Lee and John Romita.