The timeline here is getting exhausting. This issue makes it plain that it takes place after ASM 257, which continues from 256 and right into 258. I can’t reconcile this. Editorial messed up. All they had to do was take out 2 panels of Peter’s thought balloons and they’d be in the clear, but… they didn’t. Anyway, it literally can’t be there, so I put it here. Cary Burkett is back and colorist George Roussos steps in for this issue. Nomad! That’s a complicated story. Maybe this comic will tell it so I don’t have to. As we begin, Spider-Man happens upon the scene of a bad car accident.

As Spidey swings away, he worries about all that’s been going on lately, like his costume acting weird, and like a major plot point from ASM 257. Whoops. He hits the ground and changes to regular clothes, walking along lost in thought… walking right into a gang called “The Butcher Dogs” (haha, ok), whose leader, Deke, is busy pushing around his little brother for wanting to hang out. So tuff! When Peter walks up, they try to mug him. Peter’s not sure what to do about his secret, when someone yells “Let him go!”

As the gang flees, the little boy, Tony, throws a rock at Nomad, hoping to get in their good graces. Meanwhile, Jack Monroe and Peter Parker introduce themselves. Jack was delivering some work for “an artist friend” (He means CAPTAIN AMERICA!), and when Jack says he was on his way to the theater around the corner to watch Rio Bravo (What… what about the delivery?), and Peter says he’s never seen it, Jack insists that Pete join him.

This is oddly amusing to me. But, hey, there’s Nomad’s deal, I didn’t have to say it! After Captain America & Bucky were presumed dead in WWII, the government tried to make replacements, and Jack Monroe was the new Bucky, but like he said, it didn’t go too well. The kid runs up and steals Jack’s package of artwork, and our heroes give chase. When he loses them, Peter suggests they split up, and then TWO superheroes suit up to go bring a child to justice. Like… bit much, guys.

The heroes easily locate the kid from different directions, not seeing each other until they get in each other’s way.

Guys, this is adorable. Suddenly, we’re hanging out with Taskmaster. You know Taskie from MTU 103. Unless I haven’t posted that one yet, then maybe you don’t, I’ve lost track. He’s gathered a bunch of local gang members to give them the chance to train to become henchmen…

But then the kid runs in trying to impress his brother and babbling about Spider-Man, and now Taskmaster’s gearing up for a rematch. Turns out some of these guys were in the gang from MTU 140, too, we’re tying all sorts of things together. Soon enough, Spider-Man swings into the area, and Taskmaster shoots down his web, forcing him to the ground in a hail of exploding arrows. That gives his unseen assailant away, but then some of the goons rush out to attack him before he can go for Taskmaster.

Spidey grabs the sonic arrow, but then it explodes, and it was full of some kind of gas. Things are looking bad for our man when Nomad finally catches up. He lays into the goons as young Tony watches, impressed, from the shadows, until one of them throws a molotov cocktail at Nomad. He dodges it, but the blast sets him offguard enough for Taskmaster to hit him with his shield, Captain America-style. Lucky for him, Spidey jumps back in, but then this “Black Abbott” guy gets involved.

The Abbott tells the assembled hoods they can all get a taste of his power once they’ve been trained up. One of them decides this is too much for him, so Abbott mind controls him back into the group.

Nomad is freaking out as Black Abbott turns his burning hand toward the still-recovering Spider-Man. Nomad breaks loose and grabs Taskmaster’s discarded shield. He’s had a lot of practice with Cap’s shield, having been a Bucky and currently being Cap’s partner, so…

BM is messed up and makes a break for it, leaving Spidey to go for Taskmaster while Nomad fights the various goons. But Taskie sees no profit in this anymore, so he flees the scene. Spidey’s ready to go after him, but then the molotov cocktail guy throws another one. He misses Spider-Man, but hits the building young Tony was hiding in. The gang member he looks up to (Maybe it’s not his brother?) refuses to help, so Nomad rushes in. He finds the kid, but the building is about to collapse on them. Or it would be…

Well, that was a weird one. Too bad Peter & Jack didn’t hook back up and continue their friendship. That could’ve been an interesting angle. Have we seen the last of The Black Abbott? Nope!