Aunt May: Assassin is the little-known prequel to Elektra: Assassin. So! Spidey’s knocked out, Ock knows he’s here, Aunt May is here. Seems like a good time for Hammerhead to come through the front door head first.

Ock’s not one to be caught off guard, though, and he escapes to a panic room where he can control his house full of crazy traps and defenses, so HH and his army don’t just have their run of the place. And that’s before he calls in his own army, using gas grenades to make things extra confusing…

As Hammerhead just keeps smashing his head into Ock’s panic room (I mean, I know his head is steel, but what about his neck?), Spider-Man is coming to elsewhere, and Aunt May runs off to call the police. He still hasn’t seen her, so he thinks his Spider Sense isn’t working. As he heads off thinking he might’ve seen Aunt May before he was knocked out, Doc Ock orders his goons to ready an escape rocket (!) right as Hammerhead makes it into his control room.

Ock makes quick work of Hammerhead, as he should, but his goons pour in with machine guns, and it’s time to go. Meanwhile, Spider-Man is scurrying down the hall wondering where Aunt May might be, and Doc Ock runs right past him through a secret tunnel in the wall, setting off his Spider Sense for a second.

Ock talks her out of calling the cops while cutting the phone line. Meanwhile, Gwen Stacy is still on the hunt for her missing boyfriend, now having stopped by The Daily Bugle. She runs into Ned Leeds, who’s been looking for Peter, too…

So everyone’s heading out to the gunfight, which is still going. The house is filling up with gas, though, so it’s a pretty ineffectual gunfight, with Spider-Man swinging through the middle of it getting shot at by all sides. As he moves further into the house, he finds someone, but not who he wanted…

Ah, yes, the headbutt, such a mysterious new trick. After a brief fight, Hammerhead gets the better of Spidey, says “what he stole from Ock’s control room” is going to put him on top, and just… leaves. Just hops out a window, gets in a car, and leaves. I don’t guess any of his boys even know he’s gone? Ok, bye! As he’s peeling out, the Bugle car arrives, and Joe Robertson calls the cops. From… his car phone. Was that a thing in 1972? I dunno. HH is gone, but the house is still full of goons shooting at each other as Spider-Man keeps looking for Aunt May.

Spidey gets the upper hand for a change, but only for a moment. As Ock gets him on the ropes, Aunt May urges him not to resort to violence, being a man of science and all. Ock say he’s only doing what needs to be done.

Spidey flies into a rage at the notion that Ock loves his Aunt, and starts beating the whole hell out of him. Spider-Man’s never gotten over on Ock this badly. But Aunt May watches the whole thing, demanding he stop hitting Octopus.

Luckily, the sirens distract Aunt May for a second, allowing Spider-Man to leap out a window. Outside, he sees cops and firefighters surrounding the various goons. The cops thank Robbie for calling them in, impressed by the haul of goons they get to take in, and then someone brings out Aunt May. She reconciles with Gwen, saying she shouldn’t blame herself. Then the cops wheel out Octopus, no longer wearing his arms, who asks to speak to Aunt May. Meanwhile, Spider-Man switches to his regular clothes, and runs over to join the gang…

Well, who saw that coming? What a strange turn. So Aunt May’s gonna be out in Westchester keeping Ock’s house full of death traps and goons nice and tidy. And what’s Hammerhead so happy about? You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.