More magical mayhem awaits. We begin this month on a very trippy visual of Strange drifting through his own memory of a confrontation with his mother, wherein he’d learned about his dad’s…
Tag: Xandu
This probably isn’t where I should catch up with UMTU, but it’s so outdated by now. Like, this issue came out the same month as USM 17. It’s so bizarre Bendis boxed…
Secret Defenders 8
This one is ALSO named with a Macbeth quote! Why 3 out of 4!? Inker Don Hudson returns to wrap us up. Everyone spends the first 4 pages recapping at each other,…
Secret Defenders 7
More secret defense. Fred Fredericks inks this one. It’s called “The Queen, My Lord, Is Dead,” with a text box letting you know that’s from Macbeth. That’s kinda awkward. The Way To…
Secret Defenders 6
Secret Defenders 6* What’s this? Secret Defenders was a concept that I thought sounded interesting, but a series I didn’t buy, so I guess it didn’t hit me too hard. Every story,…
ASM Annual 02
I’ve talked before about how Ditko wasn’t into crossovers. He didn’t think his heroes should need help. And by now, he’s doing these books without talking to Stan at all. And yet……
The Way To Dusty Death
It’s 1993 again, and here we have… I don’t know what. Some kind of graphic novel? That sort of thing was highly uncommon in this era, but it’s a square-bound one-shot something…
MTU 021
Guys, he’s back from the dead! I do not know Xandu The Unspeakable, but he’s back! Same creative team as last issue, except Dave Hunt replaces Mike Esposito. Things get rolling with…
Marvel Fanfare 6
Marvel Fanfare! A place where creators could do short stories outside the main line of books. Often a showcase for great talents too busy, too slow or just not interested enough to…