Back to USM for a vaguely patriotic cover. This is a bit of a wacky one. Our tale begins with Peter Parker in the library, being a nerd, when MJ runs in…
Tag: Iron Man
Wizard 1/2
The “Wizard ½” was a gimmick running through the prominent comics magazine of the same name where they’d issues these specials in conjunction with the various publishers as collectibles. They came with…
Sentry 5
Things are weird from page one this month. The idea that this machine has been keeping the whole world from remembering him the whole time is a bit much! But we’re in…
Sentry 4
This issue picks up from the last so completely that you have to wonder if this was meant to be one big book at some point. I mean, Reed’s just responding to…
Spidey and IM didn’t actually manage to team up last issue, so let’s see how it goes this time. First, we flash back 10 years to when Tony went to Guatemala based…
This month, Team-Up welcomes Iron Man and Mike Allred to the Ultimate party. “JC” hangs in there on colors. I really wonder why he didn’t go by his name. Because this series…
Fast Lane
It’s come to this. As has been mentioned previously, Fast Lane was an anti-drug comic that ran in 4 parts through all the Marvel comics in 8-page installments, making it actually come…
Avengers 24 & 25
And, we’re back. I decided I should to cover this. It continuing the Eighth Day wasn’t enough on its own, but 1. Spider-Man does show up in the back half, and 2….
Juggernaut: The 8th Day
So, who’s wrapping all this up? Anyone from the preceding issues? Nope, it’s the brand-new creative team of Joe Casey, Terry Shoemaker, Scott Hanna & Mark Bernardo. Again, I wonder why this…
Alright, back on track. The usual suspects of Howard Mackie, John Romita, Jr., Scott Hanna & Gregory Wright on deck. We open on 2 pages of a kid being chased by cops…