Not a great cover. And what’s going to hurt? Is Spider-Man being dropped by those electric tentacles or picked up by them? Not great. So, despite how last issue ended, Kraven’s not…
Tag: Ben Urich
SM 88
Now here’s a cover I really really remember. Excellent concept & execution. So good they didn’t even plaster some stupid copy over it and ruin it. I don’t much recall what’s inside,…
SMU 18
Conveniently out the same month as the end of Doc Ock’s return, an issue of Unlimited that might be more useful than normal. Or it seems like it could just be a…
To The Death
Here we have an extremely hyped, doomed to disappoint stunt so intense it comes square bound to indicate its importance: The reunion of Stan Lee and John Romita, Sr.! Perhaps the best…
SM 36
Because Venom was so nice before. It’s taken them half the crossover to get the weapons they know work on symbiotes, let’s see if that changes anything. This month, it’s Terry Kavanagh’s…
UTS 23
Now this seems like it could be a good idea. Giving the new crime boss about to appear in ASM a little more lead time so he doesn’t just crop up out…
ASM 285
Did I really pay $3.50 for this raggedy thing? I have the vaguest memory of buying this issue. I feel like I got it in college. Why, I couldn’t begin to say,…
ASM 284
Man, I thought I’d never actually get here. If I’d realized how much filler there was in this section, I would’ve probably held the last couple ASMs from the previous block for…
ASM 360
That cover copy is really overselling it. “You’ve seen Spider-Man team up with people like Punisher, Wolverine and Solo, people who straight up execute their enemies, but how could he ever team…
ASM 359
Here’s another one I initially skipped. Not uncommon in the early 90s. I wasn’t exactly wowed by Cardiac and I only had so many dollars. He was not the villain I demanded,…