The end of the 2nd best era of Spider-Man. A bittersweet milestone. But I got to draw Peter in that insane outfit, and Golden Oldie, so things are going good.
ASM 251
$12??? Outrageous! I sure hope I didn’t pay that for it, especially in the 90s. And suddenly, the dream team is gone. This issue features a plot by Roger Stern, but a…
ASM 250
A cover that tells you to steal it is a bold choice. Klaus Janson sure brings something else to JR’s pencils. It’s no wonder they’ve gone on to work together so often…
ASM 249
$8.50 feels pretty steep.I wonder if I paid it. No idea, at this point.Random John Byrne cover. Kingpin sure is getting around in the Spider-Man books lately for a villain who’s kinda…
TAC 089
Here goes everything. Glynis Oliver tags in on colors this month. The issue starts with one of Kingpin’s underlings recapping how Kingpin gave Spider-Man information to stop Doc Ock, and then Spider-Man…
TAC 088
That is certainly a take on Mr. Hyde! I really prefer the sort of crude, choppy inking Milgrom applies to his pencils to the flat, faux-John Romita, Sr. thing Jim Mooney does….
MTU 139
Not Al Milgrom’s finest hour, this cover. The longer you look at that Spider-Man, the wonkier it gets. Maybe he was especially overworked this month. Looks like an explosive time for our…
MTU 138
Sandman goin’ legit. Or is he? This should be about the time it happened. Never excited to see The Enforcer. Some concepts are just too silly to me. As a kid reading…
TAC 087
Sure looks like things are going to go well! Mantlo, Milgrom, Mooney & Christie Scheele on deck as Spider-Man and Black Cat cavort through the city on the way to Peter Parker’s…
TAC 086
The bottom corner feels like JRJR, but who knows? Maybe it’s a dead-on impression. Is this a bigger or smaller stunt than MTU 137? On the one hand, MTU was absolutely ludicrous….