Another Jason Pearson cover randomly appears. Been awhile since his other ones. Matt Milla is still coloring this month. Maybe he’s the new permanent colorist, I don’t recall. To open, Peter & Mary Jane are at a restaurant with a really annoying waiter. When he leaves, Mary Jane broaches the topic that she wants to get back to work. She put her career on hold for a bit while they got their lives back together, but it’s time. But that would mean traveling, and she wants to make sure that won’t “tear them apart again.” Given how things went before, a reasonable concern, I think.

Our man in the beret there is one Leo Zelinksy, a tailor, whose current client seems to be some kind of hitman, but he doesn’t seem to mind. At least, not in front of the customer.

I think Leo’s gonna get involved. He gets up, looks at that photo, gets dressed and heads out into the night. Where Spider-Man is also doing his thing. He’s internal monologuing about how nothing’s going on and he should probably go home, but as soon as he did, something would happen, when Leo yells up at him. Spidey comes down to be told that someone, probably the District Attorney, is going to be killed tomorrow at an awards ceremony. Spidey asks how he knows, and Leo asks if they can go somewhere to talk. They wind up in a deli.

Leo talks about how he’s done a lot of superheroes since, with quick flashbacks to Mar-vell and Captain America, but then others started to show up. We’re shown him doing Dr. Doom’s cape, which is just ridiculous (Is there a situation JMs won’t inappropriately use Doom for?). When Spider-Man challenges him on helping villains, he says everyone’s got to wear clothes. We find out he worked with the Blob and with Thor before Spider-Man wants him to get to the point.

Kinda funny. Peter tucks the mask into his mouth, thinking about the velcro, and sees Venom in the mirror and gives it up. Then we jump ahead to the awards ceremony, where the DA is giving a speech, little knowing he’s in the sights of Killshot, when said sights are covered web and his gun is yanked from his hand.

Nice & tidy. Two single-issue stories in a row. Kinda feels weird in this day and age.