Still more Spider-Man & Daredevil action. This was published the same month as DD 36. Will the ongoing plot in DD be relevant here? I doubt it, but I don’t remember. All I really remember is not liking the art. Writer Brett Matthews and line artist Vatche Mavlian are unknown to me. Colorist Jeromy Cox, less so. Ah, Matthews was a TV writer in the orbit of Joss Whedon, that explains it. He would have next to no clout with the average person, but he worked in TV, so Jemas presumably thought of him as a superstar. Mavlian did exactly 2 comics for Marvel, looks like, and a couple for Dark Horse’s Star Wars line.

So, clearly, we are not in a world where Matt’s secret is out. Continuity: who needs it?

Took 2 reads to realize Matt was in that restaurant and asked for the check.

Daredevil investigates the little girl’s room with his super senses, then departs before anyone knows he was there.

Realistically, given the weak excuse that Spider-Man’s boots are made of cloth so thin he can stick to the wall through them, it would make sense if you could see his toes and such. But it looks silly and I hate it when people do that.

Sort of a Great Value Todd McFarlane feel to the Spider-Mans. Evergreen Winona Ryder shoplifting joke.

I would be so embarrassed if I drew that Spider-Man down there. His Spider Sense is set off by a bunch of tourists looking at him out the window of the building, which is not how his Spider Sense works, and he swings away. Then back to DD for a page of him trying to narrow down where the girl in with his senses, then off to Ben Urich in a bar, trying to do things the old fashioned way, trying to get info out of a guy in the corner. This art is sort of like if you combined the openness of Gene Colan with the noodling of Todd McFarlane, with even weaker fundamentals than Todd. Messy, unfinished looking.

Sure, buddy, swipe one of the most widely-circulated Romita, Sr. Spider-Men of all time, why not? This comic is half over and nothing has happened yet. Back at the bar, Urich’s line of questioning gets a gun pulled on him, but that gun is knocked safely to the ground by one of Daredevil’s billy clubs. Wonder why they call them that. I’m sure there’s an old timey reason. Urich & DD immediately start good cop/bad copping the informant, our man Mavlian managing to swipe DDs from Frank Miller, David Mazzuchelli and Alex Maleeve in just 2 pages.

I paid money for this.

There was a time when the “Marvel Knights” banner on the cover assured a certain measure of quality. That time was when Quesada & Palmiotti were overseeing it, and now that Quesada is E-i-C and Palmiotti is back to being an inker (And, from what I understand, somewhat salty), that time has passed. Well, DD has zeroed in on where the girl is being held, but as he gets close, he picks up the unmistakable-to-him smell of Spider-Man’s web.

Shoulda asked for my $3 back. I was pretty friendly with my comic shop guy at this time, I mighta been able to. Well, that sure was a 3rd-story-in-Marvel Comics Presents plot stretched to 23 pages. Sheesh.