Now there’s a weird cover. We spend the whole first page on some Komedy Business as a drunk homeless guy has a cell phone conversation about stocks into a brick. Then he happens into Copperhead killing Daredevil on the next page.

Pretty wild. Well, while Manhattan turns into some genuinely impressive geometry done freehand, quick cut to Foggy & Natasha, Foggy thinking they found something, then back to NY.

No info is revealed, but the 2 do come upon what seem to be zombies attacking people. Spider-Man webs them up, and an injured priest tells DD the devil walks the Earth.

Winslade really giving us some of the all-time worst Spider-Man eyes. Like, bottom 3. Naturally, all this is emanating from the very church wherein DD’s true love Karne Page was killed by Bullseye, and inside, they find Copperhead at the center, making Gladiator and Stilt-Man hallucinate their worst fears, yammering about how he died and was “made to discover the reality of hell all for myself.” Spidey tries to free them and gets stuck in the same energy field.

Coppy taunts DD as he stands there with the gun for a page, but then Owl claws it out of his hand.

Well, that didn’t make any sense at all. I mean, at all. Sheesh. And then, just like that, it’s the next day, and Matt Murdock has shown up at Wilson Fisk’s office, where Fisk says he’s told everyone last night’s lunacy was an elaborate shoot for a movie his company is financing. Again, that makes no sense at all. Fisk says it will be amusing to watch Matt try to deal with the legal ramifications of that, but then Matt brings in Foggy.

On the way out of that silly meeting, Foggy works up the courage to ask Matt if he’d be ok with Foggy asking out Natasha. Matt gives his blessing, but this will not happen in the actual Daredevil comic. As this issue is being published, The first Bendis/Mack DD is out. 2 more of those, then the Bob Gale.Phil Winslade arc, then Bendis/Maleev begin their excellent run, and Natasha and Foggy will never be a thing. One wonders why Jenkins would bother trying to set up such a major thing for a title he wasn’t writing. Was he maybe going to write DD at some point? Who knows? But we’re nearly out of pages, so..

Well, ok! What a weird comic. Still don’t think it’s so good. But I do have to adjust my opinion of the art some. Terrible Spider-Man, but good pages, mostly. Well, next time, it’s on to yet another miniseries, but one of far greater importance to this blog.