This month, page one reminds us Foggy and Natasha are on a side quest, but all the dialogue is Foggy telling you how DD’s powers work, and it’s weird. Then we’re back to the sewer, where DD is out of commission and Spider-Man’s facing down the Legion of Losers. For all that he’s a beloved character with a crazy impressive history of great creator runs, Daredevil doesn’t exactly have an A-list rogues gallery. His #1 was stolen from Spider-Man, then you got Bullseye, Elektra, Typhoid Mary, and a huge drop after that.

This is an uncomfortable reminder that Stilt-Man of all people waxed Spider-Man in DD 27. So silly. But, that brother gag is good. Stilty happily provides the exposition from there. Most of them met in therapy in prison, pretending to get better while plotting revenge, then they got out and hooked up with Copperhead as “The Gang of Four.” A very British punk reference.They idea that these dorks didn’t already know each other after decades of appearing in Daredevil is hard to believe, but I’m no expert. Exposition delivered, DD reveals he was playing possum as he crashes Stilt-Man into the ceiling, bringing it crashing down on the baddies. Then, it’s back to the Foggy & Natasha Show.

Jenkins is really enjoying Natasha as a femme fatale in what little she’s done in this book so far.

And back in the sewer…

The heroes escape up out of the hole in the ground, and the villains give chase. Daredevil suggests Spider-Man fight the other 3 while he takes the Owl, which is kind of a hilarious commentary on the actual power dynamic in this fight, and combat commences. But as everyone’s wrapped up in the heat of things, Kingpin and his a very large assemblage of his goons show up. But we cut to the “B” plot, as Foggy’s looking over documents and Natasha sneaks into the building through a window and knocks out a guy.

Natasha hasn’t been this Russian since 1964.

Owl lunges into the goons, and Kingpin gets back in his car, saying if DD survives, he expects to see him in his office Monday morning. Kinda giving away the game, there, Wilson. Then, after a few pages of no-hold-barred goons vs. supervillains vs. heroes action, the cops show up. Spidey tries to get them to back off, only to be tackled out of the air by the Owl.

That’s one way to come back from the dead. Or is it? I have no memory of this at all…