And now we’re just quoting the Beatles. And presumably rehashing ASM 33. I remember this cover, but not the issue. Spider-Man Must Lift A Heavy Thing may be pretty well-trodden ground, but JRJR’s gonna draw an impossible weight like few others, at least. We open on Spider-Man and Paul fleeing across the rooftops of the city, which seems… I mean, I don’t know, but it seems like they would’ve had to work pretty hard to get on the roofs from the bridge. But, anyway, still glued together, pursued by the baddies, bickering the whole time, doing the whole bit.

…What? What?? How would Trapster take down a whole building? With what?

That’s nuts. Meanwhile…

Look at Jimmy’s giant fingers. Romita, Jr drawing huge guys is always so good. It’s so wild that he’s kind of the heir to his dad and Jack Kirby at the same time in so many ways. Jimmy swears he won’t hurt anyone, doesn’t want to, he just needed somewhere to lay low and this was the closest he could think of. Then he crushes the phone in his hand. Back at the collapsed building, Shocker pretty hilariously points out that it would have been much easier for the glue guy to glue their prey’s feet to the roof rather than collapse a building, possibly killing them and forcing the villains to dig through the rubble. But they’re not finding anything.

I threaten to derail so hard on the Romita, Jr. issues. Look at that page! Wright coulda stood to make it less dark, but what a shot. Spidey tries to make them some space and they rest a bit while he tries to think of a way out of this.

He’s navigating through the guts of the collapsed building with the worst guy ever, of course, and finds them a way down into the sewer, hoping they can escape before they’re found. Paul wants to know why Spider-Man would help him after what he did to George & Gwen, but Spidey just shoves him into the sewer and pulls a metal grate back in place above just as the space they were in collapses on top of it. Back at the Parker residence, Jimmy smashes through a wall and grabs their assailant by the throat, threatening to pop his head like a zit if he doesn’t say who sent him.

Uh-oh. That seems like trouble for the Parkers.

Trapster debuts his new harden glue darts, which he says he got the idea for from Spider-Man’s webbing, and then lures Spidey into getting himself and Paul stuck to the roof, like he should have before. This costume is growing on me. How are there only 2 pages left?

Uh-oh again! What an abrupt ending. That one guy’s goblin tattoo and this last page don’t seem like good news. If only it was just bad news in-universe…