F- minus for this cover copy. Concept and execution. But who cares, JRJR is back. Look how much more incredible the end of last issue looks at the beginning of this issue:

Salute the god! Oh man. I fanboy out so hard every time this guy pops back up, but I don’t care. Spectacular. This is followed by a 2-page splash where Spider-Man explains Gwen Stacy for those who may not know about her (That being a real possibility further underscores the silliness of this whole Stacy family drama) as Spidey confronting Paul is overlaid with images of Gwen falling and the Goblin. So good. A crowd is forming below, with someone asking “Where did this rain come from?” to try to explain the change in weather as Romita punches in. It came from the guy who draws rain better than anybody in comics, random onlooker, appreciate it! As they debate whether Spider-Man’s trying to save or kill a guy, Shocker shows up, still committed to finishing his hit. Meanwhile, in Queens, some kids are playing football in the rain at night (Say word?) when a guys falls off the roof of their building and smashes into a car.

Jimmy 6! They were really trying to put this guy over back then. I never really understood why. But Romita, Jr. draws mobsters like nobody’s business, so it always looked good, as does here, as Jimmy gets the guy whose foot he shot to accidentally plug his partner and then throws him off the roof to land on top of the other guy. And then, in another subplot…

Me, too, I don’t remember. Back at the bridge, Shocker is flying up to Spider-Man and Paul on the power given off by his gauntlets, noting he’s a lot more powerful than he used to be, and saying he’s glad Spider-Man is here to be defeated in front of the crowd below. Spidey yoinks Paul out of the way as Shocker starts unleashing massive blasts at them. Paul yells that he doesn’t want to die, but won’t tell Spidey why else he would have been up there. Spidey sneaks back up and tries to one-shot Shocker, but the punch bounces off and Spiey gets zapped into the distance by a significantly more powerful Shocker.

Making Shocky more of a threat is a good idea, but it’s a hard sell. I guess it shouldn’t be. His power should be really dangerous. He’s just always seemed like kind of a joke. We cut to MJ & Jill taking a walk in the rain and discussing their relationships with their dads for a page (While the Stacy thing seems bad and forced, it’s so refreshing for them to give MJ literally anyone to talk to after all these years of her sitting at home alone worrying). Then we’re back with Jimmy 6. He’s running through alleys trying to escape when he comes under heavy fire and tries to book it.

Ouch! Back at the bridge, Spider-Man is on the ground at Shocker’s mercy even though it looked like he got blasted a mile into the distance before, a rare continuity issue for Romita, Jr., and Paul is looking on as Shocker’s about to kill our hero. Paul hears Shocker is being paid to kill him, and this suddenly upsets him. What, you think Shocker did this as a favor? He tries to punch the villain and gets batted right off the bridge, because it’s time to trot this old chestnut back out for the millionth time…

Now, the most controversial bit of Gwen’s death in ASM 121 is the “SNAP!” sound effect that makes it seems like getting webbed and having her fall halted is what actually killed her. Which, I mean, if Spidey hadn’t webbed her, she just would’ve shattered when she hit the water, so it’s not like it’s really his fault, but it makes it seem kind of like his fault. So, now, Spidey catching Paul the exact same way, with Romita, Jr. even recreating the page pretty faithfully panel for panel, and somehow NOT snapping Paul’s neck feels weird.

I just think that’s a great hero shot of Spider-Man and wanted it on the blog, deal with it. Spidey’s save is short-lived and Shocker sends a big zap down after them, but he gets them to the ground. Paul tries to run away when something sticks their hands together.

A Trapster re-design! A very Romita, Jr. Trapster re-design. I mean, there was nowhere to go but up, but it’s not exactly great. Do kinda like it, tho. Did the Friends of Humanity really think they needed 2 hitmen to kill Paul? That’s crazy.

Uh-oh! Next issue should be interesting.