Claremont & Vosburg hang on from last issue, with inks now handled by Steve Leiahola. Satana is using the Orb of Agamotto to see what’s up with Wong & Spidey, who are now standing next to a burning plane and ya know, people reasonably want to know what happened.

Clea points out that she’s, ya know, the daughter of Satan, and maybe they shouldn’t trust the daughter of Satan, but Satanna says she wants to be free to live her own life, doesn’t serve Heaven or Hell, and that she’s literally the only one who can save Strange. Or kill him, if he needs killin’. She says Spider-Man needs to go grab Strange and bring him back while she begins the ritual or whatever, and teleports him to where she senses Strange’s aura. Then they both get to work on their jobs for the evening. Spidey realizes he’s near the hospital Cissy is in, and realizes Strange is going for the prey that escaped him. And then the cops show up? I’m not sure if they’re here for Dr. Werewolf or Spidey. Either way, he finds Strange in the hospital and it’s fightin’ time.

The battle takes them rrrrrright into Cissy’s room, naturally, as she’s having a nightmare about the night before. Spidey gets Strange in a hold and the grabs him by the carotid artery, knocking him out. And then he goes completely outta pocket:

Dude! Deal with the friggin werewolf first! Back at the house, Satanna has made a pentagram on the ground, and has Spidey drag Strange into it. She says while she battles him on the Astral Plane, Spidey has to keep Dr. Werewolf from escaping the circle at all costs. This is like a WoW quest. Satanna finds the Astral Plane full of demons trying to kill her, while Wolfstrange wakes up and begins trying to break out of the circle.

Wait, what? Suddenly her whole life has been leading up to dying for a dude she barely knows? And then she finally frees Strange’s soul, and a big demon tells her it’s his life or hers, and she smiles… and then Strange wakes up, cured. And…

Well, geez, that’s a downer. And for all its gravity, this one didn’t get around to dealing with the evil Strange sensed in Clea last time they appeared in these pages, and we didn’t learn anything else about Cissy. Frustrating. Also, as I’m sure you know, Satanna is definitely 100% dead. No question. Look, they put dates down there, she’s not coming back! Maybe! I mean, probably not in these pages, but I can tell you she was in Dr. Strange comics as recently as like 2016, so… ya know…I mean, she’s dead forever, The End!
There are ads in the comic to study at home to open your own garage customizing vans AND to become a COP. The 70s were wild, man.