Help. Girl, help. Possibly the most generic cover of the generic cover era. This issue begins with a teacher very angry with Peter Parker for skipping his class. MJ makes up a…
USM 042
We’re back with half-a-suit Spider-Mans this month’s installment kicks off, internal monologuing about how he’d rather be with MJ and commenting on how bad things go when he jumps into a fight…
USM 041
So, we’re still at that party, and a guy is begging Geldoff to blow up another car. The kids seem weirdly ok with this when at least 2 of them just lost…
USM 040
These issue titles are getting really weird. Is the damage to the spine of this issue obvious from the picture? These covers got so flimsy when they changed from cardstock. We open…
USM 039
Our boy’s been through an emotional ringer lately. Will things pick up now that he’s getting ready to shoot a hadoken? This is a weird cover. We open on General Nick Fury,…
USM 038
This issue opens with the very cinematic idea of a 2-page spread looking over Peter’s lab as the last video of his father talks about how cancer affected his dad and how…
USM 037
This issue opens on a 3-page dream sequence where Peter relives turning into a monster and almost killing that guy 2 issues ago, now much more aggressive and evil during the proceedings…
USM 036
Venom loves a logo. You could get hints before, but yeah, Eddie sucks! Reconnecting with an old friend isn’t always a good time. I forgot about this period where Marvel was putting…
USM 035
This issue opens with a unnamed female pop star being kidnapped in her own limo after leaving a show by generic costumed goons who are trying to ransom her to famous music…
USM 034
This issue picks up the second the last one left off, with Peter understandably asking Eddie what the goo is. He says it’s what their fathers were working on, what would have…