Back on John Romita, Jr.’s home turf, and look who’s decided to join the manhunt. HOW many times can Punisher be tricked into going after “that awful criminal, Spider-Man?” The Jackal has…
Tag: Scott Hanna
SM 88
Now here’s a cover I really really remember. Excellent concept & execution. So good they didn’t even plaster some stupid copy over it and ruin it. I don’t much recall what’s inside,…
SSM 23
So much eyesore text in this era, my goodness. Ok, let’s wrap this up. Spidey’s in trouble, Doc’s in trouble. Doc is now racing back to his physical form, tho, a detail…
SSM 22
90 cents! Really getting this story for a bargain. Scott Hanna pitches in on inks this month. We open on Dr. Strange, apparently having gone through some things lately but recently restored…
SM 87
And now we’re just quoting the Beatles. And presumably rehashing ASM 33. I remember this cover, but not the issue. Spider-Man Must Lift A Heavy Thing may be pretty well-trodden ground, but…
SM 86
F- minus for this cover copy. Concept and execution. But who cares, JRJR is back. Look how much more incredible the end of last issue looks at the beginning of this issue:…
SM 85
In this era, it felt like editors were scared to let a cover go out without copy. Even stupid, useless copy, like this. This happens all the time in late 90s Marvel…
Hobgoblin Lives 2
A very old school Hobgoblin there on the cover. This month, Jerome Moore and Scott Hanna are on inks and/or finishes (You never know with Frenz, and last issue sure did look…
SM 37
Need a giant asterisk by that bottom blurb. I mean, ok, Captain America would fit that bill, but… who are they kidding? It’s JM DeMatteis’ turn on Spider-Man, and this month, Tom…
SM 36
Because Venom was so nice before. It’s taken them half the crossover to get the weapons they know work on symbiotes, let’s see if that changes anything. This month, it’s Terry Kavanagh’s…