Now here’s a thing that piqued my interest enough to buy Spectacular as a teen: The promise of a showdown between the original Green Goblin and the original Hobgoblin? A Romita, Sr….
Tag: Norman Osborn
Made Men
I don’t really know why this exists. I don’t really know why I bought it. It’s $6! But here we are. Howard Mackie obviously loves the crime side of Spider-Man and the…
ASM 435
Let’s see how Peter loses his Ricochet identity. We open on the hilariously named Bloodscream and Roughhouse, 2 jobbers from Wolverine comics, who’ve been released from prison. One of them has noticed…
SSM 28
Last month it was double covers for ever issue, this month it’s this split gag for every issue. Always like an excuse for other characters to react to something like this. The…
ASM 434
This striking cover by Mark Buckingham is the egregious swipe of Joe Bennett from SMU 18 I caught last time we were in this period. I always liked this cover, it stuck…
ASM 040
Big finish! Big finish, indeed, our final issue in this block, the end of the Goblin story, and the last 60s book I’ll cover. Momentous! Calling this issue “Spidey Saves the Day”…
ASM 039
Well, here we go. Jazzy Johnny makes his debut a memorable one as the mystery of The Green Goblin comes to a close. Romita does not get a plot credit, and given…
ASM 038
It’s Ditko’s last issue, and it’s a famously odd one. For starters, he doesn’t even do a splash, just gets right to it. As monsters go, that looks a lot more like…
ASM 037
There are 2 robots, tho. This is the most eventful prison release in Marvel history! Good grief! All this on the first page??? Love Spidey in the hat. Ditko is doing the…
ASM 027
Goofy cover copy like this is going to have dire ramifications down the line. People trying to be like Stan will be just as silly even into the 80s. This month, Stan…