Behold it. Published the same month as UMTU 16, the real grand finale of the series arrives in an oversized “jam book.” I think this is the first place he does it,…
Tag: John Romita
ASM V2 18
Not the best cover to announce your biggest villain is back. “Can you guess whose hands these are?” This issue is John Byrne’s last (Huzzah!) and to send him off in style,…
Webspinners 1
Webspinners was positioned as an anthology that would allow all sorts of people to do short Spidey stories from all over Spider-Man history. So as of cover date January 1999, there were…
ASM 040
Big finish! Big finish, indeed, our final issue in this block, the end of the Goblin story, and the last 60s book I’ll cover. Momentous! Calling this issue “Spidey Saves the Day”…
ASM 039
Well, here we go. Jazzy Johnny makes his debut a memorable one as the mystery of The Green Goblin comes to a close. Romita does not get a plot credit, and given…
DD 17
I’ve read a lot of vandalized comics in this block. Good job on those eyes, unknown child from the 60s. I bought both these DDs from a guy at Heroes Con 2019….
DD 16
In 1966, John Romita is only recently returned to Marvel after doing some work for them in the 50s (Notably on a failed revival of Captain America). Now best known for his…
ASM 427
Shades of ASM 55. Speaking of, for some reason, they got Romita, Sr. to do a version on the fold out: Kinda jarring, really. They’re still in the era of a recap…
To The Death
Here we have an extremely hyped, doomed to disappoint stunt so intense it comes square bound to indicate its importance: The reunion of Stan Lee and John Romita, Sr.! Perhaps the best…
TAC Annual 13
Now she strikes! And we’ve already seen her strike again in ASM 395! It’s JM DeMatteis, Jerry Bingham and Joe Rosas on deck. And we get right into it, as the woman…