We’re back fo the big finish. It’s kind of crazy that Glenn Greenberg was the only one swinging for the fences while the books went into an obvious holding pattern for the…
Tag: Green Goblin
TAC 260
Always a treat to see Romita, Sr. art. The covers alone completely justify this storyline. We pick up right where we left off, with Osborn and Kingsley sizing each other up. Nice…
TAC 259
Now here’s a thing that piqued my interest enough to buy Spectacular as a teen: The promise of a showdown between the original Green Goblin and the original Hobgoblin? A Romita, Sr….
ASM 040
Big finish! Big finish, indeed, our final issue in this block, the end of the Goblin story, and the last 60s book I’ll cover. Momentous! Calling this issue “Spidey Saves the Day”…
ASM 039
Well, here we go. Jazzy Johnny makes his debut a memorable one as the mystery of The Green Goblin comes to a close. Romita does not get a plot credit, and given…
ASM 027
Goofy cover copy like this is going to have dire ramifications down the line. People trying to be like Stan will be just as silly even into the 80s. This month, Stan…
ASM 026
Someone has clipped my corner box! Hope they had fun with it. This is a weird cover. A lot of empty space, and Green Goblin feels like an afterthought. The Crime-Master. I…
UTS 25
Here comes the big finale of Untold Tales. I guess there’s no bigger way to send it off than with a Green Goblin story. But it still feels wrong to me. This…
ASM 023
I somehow ended up with a Marvel Tales reprint of this as a youth. It was way out of my range, it was published in 1984. How’d I get it? I don’t…
TAC 255
This issue is a turning point in Marvel’s publishing line, which is odd, ‘cuz I would expect it to happen at the beginning of a month. This issue has the gatefold cover…