Venom! Venom? Venom. Bendis was very upfront about not liking Venom. He had no desire to do this, and I was on his side 100%. But Bill Jemas challenged him to come…
Tag: Brian Michael Bendis
USM 032
It’s legit cool that you can tell the Spider-Man on the left is the fake one if you pay close attention. Taller, more muscular. It kind of reads like ASM vs. USM,…
USM 031
Well, this sure woulda been a good cover for last issue. Seems strange timing. Bendis doesn’t seem too into each issue having a title sometimes. “Black Van.” Very evocative. This issue, we…
USM 030
So! Spider-Man has literally been shot down and is lying on the pavement in a pool of his own blood. Not your typical Spidey cliffhanger. The cops move in and cuff him,…
USM 029
We’re back! Bendis! Bagley! Thibert. Transparency Digital! Art Thibert has apparently gone on to become one of these awful conservative idiots who rails against superhero comics starring heroes who aren’t white guys…
Alias 22 & 23
We wrap this block with 2 more weird tangents. This post, we’re looking at Alias, the book wherein Bendis, Michael Gaydos and Matt Hollingsworth gave the world Jessica Jones. Here, approaching the…
DD V2 34-35
Now we get to check in, briefly, on one of the best Daredevil runs of all time. Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev and Matt Hollingsworth put on a masterclass for 5 and…
USM 028
Back to USM for a vaguely patriotic cover. This is a bit of a wacky one. Our tale begins with Peter Parker in the library, being a nerd, when MJ runs in…
USM Super Special
Behold it. Published the same month as UMTU 16, the real grand finale of the series arrives in an oversized “jam book.” I think this is the first place he does it,…
Yep, more Bruce Lee. Shameless. After the so-called fairy tale recaps, sort of, we get right back into it. Some collar on that shirt. This is a very Bendis speech. It’s one…