Well, here we go. Jazzy Johnny makes his debut a memorable one as the mystery of The Green Goblin comes to a close. Romita does not get a plot credit, and given…
Tag: Amazing Spider-Man
ASM 038
It’s Ditko’s last issue, and it’s a famously odd one. For starters, he doesn’t even do a splash, just gets right to it. As monsters go, that looks a lot more like…
ASM 037
There are 2 robots, tho. This is the most eventful prison release in Marvel history! Good grief! All this on the first page??? Love Spidey in the hat. Ditko is doing the…
ASM 036
The number of old comics I’ve wound up with with that library stamp on the cover is very curious to me. Who stamped them, and why? I’ll never know. Shout out to…
ASM 035
A pretty quick turnaround for Molten Man. I think only Vulture has come back so soon after his first appearance so far. I guess Ditko really liked him. Stan originates this “Molten…
ASM 034
Another Heroes Con 2019 acquisition. I think I paid the full $35 for this one. The splash for this issue says “featuring the somewhat magnificent menace of Kraven the Hunter!” That sort…
ASM 033
I never dreamed of owning this one. I got it half off at the 2019 Heroes Con. Hard to believe the long, long journey to the original Lift A Heavy Thing is…
ASM 032
In the 70s & 80s, this one would have certainly said “Spidey Goes Wild!” on the cover. Ditko gets his plot credit back this month. The surprisingly boring splash is just The…
ASM 029
Good advice, but I don’t think it would’ve helped Spider-Man avoid getting to this point. My copy of this book is in pretty bad shape, but that’s how I like ‘em, cuz…
ASM 031
Getting a hold of this one was a real challenge. When I finally found a copy I could afford, it was this UK edition (somehow). The only difference is the currency in…