Still more Spider-Man & Daredevil action. This was published the same month as DD 36. Will the ongoing plot in DD be relevant here? I doubt it, but I don’t remember. All…
Category: Uncategorized
DD V2 34-35
Now we get to check in, briefly, on one of the best Daredevil runs of all time. Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev and Matt Hollingsworth put on a masterclass for 5 and…
Time to drag myself over the finish line of this one. They are still fighting, with florid, morose Peter Parker narration over it about how he’s a lightning rod keeping evil from…
Those nubby little fingers. Like an animal paw. Look at the size of the Goblin’s glider. That seems inconvenient. Only 2 more issues of this… but so much more Ramos in the…
Really vying for “Worst Cover Composition 2002.” Look how big Spider-Man’s foot is. Who even is that in the middle? Peter? This sucks so bad. We open on a battered Peter in…
I managed to get ASM way out ahead of PPSM last block, so there are big chunks of PPSM in this one. And here we are. Not satisfied with just providing some…
I never really mark the passage of time on this blog. I do these things so far in advance. I don’t even want to speculate what January 2025 is like from May…
We’re back with PPSM, but we’ve got a 2-part story by a guest team starting this month. Behind that handsome Kyle Baker cover is a story written by Zeb Wells, colored by…
Deadline 2/Thor 51
We’re back to the mainline continuity, and we’re starting with something silly. Not as silly as it looks. That is not a Scrier who’s become a cop. That’s some random other guy…
USM 028
Back to USM for a vaguely patriotic cover. This is a bit of a wacky one. Our tale begins with Peter Parker in the library, being a nerd, when MJ runs in…