Sam Keith! His stuff is just plain weird, very loose and very cartoony, and you either like it or don’t, but what’s rather fascinating to me is how big he got in…
Category: Uncategorized
ASM V2 54
This month, we randomly have a cover by Terry & Rachel Dodson. Not their last appearance on this blog. The Spider-Office seems to have been booking cover artists for 3 each, but…
ASM V2 53
Romita, Jr’s art has changed so much since the first time he was on ASM, and yet things like that left leg & foot were there from the start and continue to…
ASM V2 52
No less an authority than Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort has said that, during the Jemas era, the general cover mandate was single characters, even for team books, preferably female, preferably scantily…
ASM V2 51
It’s so funny to me that J. Scott Campbell’s bread & butter is “he draws sexy women.” Does he? Is this bucktoothed fencepost of a woman hot? Are those guys all reacting…
I’m running out of ways to react to these insane figures. I can’t believe someone took a bite out of Spider-Man. Weirdly, this 3-parter ends with Khary Randolph taking over art duties….
The Spectacular Spider-Blob! I wonder how you draw like this. Like when you’re sketching out the figure… do you just close your eyes and make random shapes and then commit? “That’s a…
Something I think is fascinating about so many artists is they come up with these crazy, exaggerated figures, but everything else in their art is more or less normal. Here we find…
This arc is called “Just Another Manic Monday,” but it’s going to take place over at least 2 days. This month, PPSM gets a proper recap page, like USM has and basically…
What’s worse than a book drawn by Humberto Ramos? Why, a book drawn by dedicated Humberto Ramos impersonator Francisco Herrera. I have to assume they knew each other. This guy showed up…