The way it feels like storylines just keep wandering in and out of these books instead of progressing is kind of crazy. This month has the odd credits “Howard Mackie – story…
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ASM V2 16
I believe it’s now officially the year 2000. That feels momentous on my journey through time, getting to the 2000s. Story is credited to “John Byrne and Howard Mackie” this month, so…
Pow, right in the jaw! How much could that really hurt in a suit of armor? That webline taut against Spider-Man’s throat sure is an odd choice. And yet, one assumes a…
ASM V2 15
Probably not! Same team as last month for the first time in a while for this book. The plan is to stow away in a plane’s baggage compartment, which is very cold….
Who’s gonna draw you better Hulk than Romita, Jr.? Who’s gonna draw a more massive, Earth-shaking Hulk? Nobody. It’s still Mackei, Romita, Jr., Hanna & Wright over here, and we begin with…
ASM V2 14
This month, Byrne just writes the book, no participation from Mackie. Dan Green is credited as “embellisher,” which I assume means he did more complex finishes as opposed to inks. Joe Rosas…
So soon after Venom? I don’t remember this at all. MJ blowing up, I remember, obviously. This, nothin’. This month, Lee Weeks pencils, Robert Campanella inks and Gregory Wright colors.I don’t know…
ASM V2 13
Weird cover, weird copy. But it’s probably the best they could do, given what’s going on here. This month, story and art are both credited to “The Hon. John Byrne” for some…
Avengers 24 & 25
And, we’re back. I decided I should to cover this. It continuing the Eighth Day wasn’t enough on its own, but 1. Spider-Man does show up in the back half, and 2….
Webspinners 12
I did say all the Spider-books had made it to #12, and that includes Webspinners. A stunning $3.50 for this one! Hard to believe I paid it. And I don’t… really know…