Fiona Avery is back in the saddle for a 2-parter that gave this title a dangling plot thread for a long time. Let’s see how it goes. Always thought this was a…
Category: 2000s
ASM 502
Another Jason Pearson cover randomly appears. Been awhile since his other ones. Matt Milla is still coloring this month. Maybe he’s the new permanent colorist, I don’t recall. To open, Peter &…
ASM 501
That guy looks super perturbed. As a NY cabby, seems like he’d see superheroes all the time. Maybe he’s new. Big, big news in the credits this month, tho you can barely…
TAC V2 05
Hey, they let Venom appear on the cover! Maybe they shipped this when Jemas’ back was turned. This issue begins with a frankly astounding retcon: Eddie doesn’t just have cancer, he’s had…
TAC V2 04
Despite the way some posts have gone on this blog over the years, I don’t want to be a hater. I try to find the good in things. But how do people…
TAC V2 03
The lighting on this cover is incomprehensible. This issue opens with what I can only describe as a post-Bendis page: I mean, it really is. This page had me thinking Garrett must…
TAC V2 02
That’s it, keep those covers good and generic. We accidentally let last issue’s cover sell the fact that the very popular Venom was in the issue, that was a mistake! What do…
TAC V2 01
Just when I get to stop putting the awkward “V2” on ASM, I have to start doing it here. After the highwater mark of ASM 500… this. Not excited! I have never…
ASM 500
ASM 500! The original numbering restored. This happened with most anniversary issues around this time. The reboots of the late 90s served their purpose, and now a big fancy number would serve…
ASM V2 58
Better cover than last issue by Harris. The history of comics has me so used to referring to issues as “last month” or “next month,” but from this era forward, comics are…