Time to see how JMS handles a silent issue. These 2 and the aforementioned New X-Men one are the only ones I can clearly remember. I’m sure Bendis & Maleev did one…
Author: spiderdewey
Hey, ASM 38 and PPSM 38, back to back. It’s like old times, briefly. That “NUFF SAID” banner on the cover announces the arrival of Jemas & Quesada’s latest stunt: They allegedly…
ASM V2 38
Time to get into it! May is walking to Peter’s place. Peter is worrying about what’s about to happen. He imagines her coming through the door and saying she has 6 months…
ASM V2 37
Suddenly, Kaare Andrews is covering ASM for a bit. I don’t really understand the plan, if there even is one, but various cover artists seem to come and go during this run….
ASM V2 36
Well, here we are. ASM 36 was released in November of 2001. With the delay between print and publication, you can perhaps guess what recent event had occurred that might have greatly…
Buckingham’s back on duty this month. Is Spider-Man underwater here? I don’t… think so… I think he’s just cold. The color choice really messed this one up. Dare I hope an actual…
Beyond his terrible art style, one of the most baffling things to me about people loving Ramos for Spider-Man is, his Spider-Man poses are insane. Insane! Look at that one! It only…
I don’t even… The boy’s bug eyes. Spider-Man’s entire misshapen, deformed body. The enormous amout of wasted space in the image. I cannot. This issue opens with that little boy coming home…
Spider-Man has a growth on the side of his head. Absolutely insane that people saw art like this and were like “THIS is the guy we want drawing Spider-Man! On and off…
This month, the PPSM crew is back to single issue stories for awhile. Which are generally what they did best and what this run is remembered for. Villains like Typeface and Fusion…