Like, where was this Spider-Man for the first 21 issues, Buckingham? Everyone knew you could draw, why were you crapping it out so bad? After a recap page, we find Spider-Man crawling in the window of a “Mr. Singh,” who, we learn, has been forced to flee India for organizing protests against AGK, the company from last issue’s last page, after they poisoned his village with a chemical leak. Which I’m sure any number of corporations have done, but it makes me think about that ghastly incident with Unilever a few years ago, especially. Very much a real world issue. Spidey says his group managed to got millions in compensation, but Singh is still fighting AGK, which indicates things are way worse than they seemed.
Spider-Man saying “chick” outside of the 70s is weird.
Why did he recycle that inept drawing of a hand there? He’s used it so many times. It looks like a child did it, and he keeps using it. This is one of the most baffling art runs on a comic ever. Next page is a seemingly regular woman being enveloped in black energy as we see the costume of the woman Spider-Man met last issue in her apartment. Then this:
Great lying, buddy. Then a page of nothing but recycled Spider-Men as he swings around til he sees a lotus.
That guy’s gun says “Super Soggy 3000.”
Is this guy not just a security guard? Central Intelligence of Agency? Ok, fine, whatever. The Goddess lady pushes Spider-Man under a table before he can get slimed, but a drop of the stuff drips off said table onto his hand.
Recycling break was very short. Tara follows the bad guy into a research lab, where he throws a vial of the stuff at her, but Spidey catches it in a web, arriving in time. The guy dives for cover, and while he can’t see them, Spidey silently gets up on the ceiling as Tara keeps him distracted.
Hey, that didn’t go well!
Uh… ok! Considering next issue is the Jenkins/Buckingham team’s swan song and I think it’s another sentimental one, I assume neither of these characters will ever be seen again. Internet sez I’m right. What an odd choice.