Really vying for “Worst Cover Composition 2002.” Look how big Spider-Man’s foot is. Who even is that in the middle? Peter? This sucks so bad. We open on a battered Peter in his apartment, talking about how he can’t escape the Goblin’s face, naturally thinking about him killing Gwen. The usual!

Green Goblin is the worst. It’s just the same thing over and over. Even when it’s Harry.

“A few years ago!” I mean, he’s right and all, it’s just insane, really, the sliding timescale. It feels so much worse when you read a ton of the books close together.

Peter Parker cannot afford a new TV. Well, that’s a new angle, I guess. New angle, same old tragedy. Suddenly, unexpectedly, somewhat shockingly, continuity appears. Flash Thompson is leaving an AA meeting when Norman approaches him. They reference their shared history, and Obsorn says he’s been thinking about Harry, how all 3 of them have struggled with chemical dependency, and he wants to offer Flash a job. Meanwhile, Larry King interviews a criminologist who says we can’t just believe GG’s story, but wonders why he’d bring it out now. Aunt May watches this and cries for her nephew. Then Norman’s in a business dinner when an irate Peter Parker bursts in.

I just realized I failed to acknowledge PPSM finally getting the good paper.

Right-o. Next up, in what is starting to feel dangerously like a regular Spider-Man comic, Spider-Man goes to harass JJJ in a dark, rainy alley. But not in a fun way. He’s angry JJJ has run the Goblin’s claims as truth (I mean, obviously). They have a tense exchange, with Jonah saying all Spider-Man has to do is take off his mask to prove he’s innocent. If only he could. Elsewhere, Green Goblin has Norman Osborn’s bodyguards forcing whiskey down the throat of sober Flash. Seems like GG and Norman should be more separate than that but what do I know? Then the Goblin flies into the rainy night and says to Spider-Man/no one in particular that if he doesn’t hear him now, he soon will.

This is getting pretty brutal. The cop finally gets around to telling Peter who was driving the truck. He disappears, and Spider-Man is soon swinging across town, thinking it’s a route he knows by heart, to the hospital he used to visit Harry in.

I don’t rightly recall if Flash has brain damage, but even if he does, he doesn’t, if you get my meaning. I know he’ll be right as rain in a couple years, at the very least. Liz! There have been FIVE classic cast members in this story! As I live and breathe. Too bad they all look like creepy monsters…