This seems like a weird cover. Man, everything about these issues feels weird. Well, our loopy hero is furiously recapping his situation as he’s sentenced to death, tho he’s not totally sure what happened or what he’s thinking right now, and then Ramshot jumps in front of him so they can’t kill him, naturally, saying he saves lives and this is wrong. Then the bossman says they also came here to get a weapon that could kill Venom.
Just a lot of very un-Bagley-looking MJs in these issues. That guy won’t take no for an answer, so after lighting a smoke, MJ shoves the lighter in his face, scaring him off. MJ recaps her recent life, and then agrees to dance with a different guy. Meanwhile, Spider-Man’s off drugs and being briefed on the mission. They’re gonna break into a government research center and steal an experimental teleporter that doesn’t work. It splits subjects into atoms, and the inventors don’t know how to put them back together, so these dorks want to put Venom in it. Spider-Man is on board, but it’s clearly the lingering effect of the drug. Also, Ramshot gets sidelined for not being a monster. Then we check on May still being nervous about the parents, then…
Can’t just steal people’s butts, officer. Back to Spider-Man, who helps the Jury avoid some kinda trap and get into the facility they plan to rob. They find the room they’re looking for, and then…
Ok. Back at the spot where they tortured Spider-Man, the leader guy tells Ramshot they were never going to kill Spider-Man, that the drugs and torture were to convince him to help them (??? How dumb are these guys?), but that he can’t be a field agent anymore because he didn’t know that and interfered anyway. Whatever, man. The Jury has found the teleporter, which preposterously comes as a gun-and-backpack combo. They try it, it vaporizes a thing, and they’re happy. And that makes Spider-Man wake up and realize he was on drugs when he agreed to kill Venom, and guess what, he starts fighting them. The one with the Guardsman armor decides to “teleport” him for his inevitable betrayal.
Shout out to Batman. Whichever one’s left standing (Who could tell?) says he’s better than the others, and then Spider-Man pulls his helmet apart. Taken apart like the jobbers they are in 3 pages, like they shoulda been in the first issue of this 3-part nonsense. Guards come, and Spider-MAn leaves before they can see him, leaving the loser-bots to them. He checks where he was held captive, but it’s been cleared out. So he goes home and finds Mary Jane asleep on the couch. And instead of apologizing or explaining or talking about anything of value between the 2 of them, he says they have to go see Nick. Nick Katzenberg was on their answering machine back in part 1 saying he had to see Peter.
They went very early.
And that’s that. Would that it were really that easy to quit smoking. The Jury next appear in that godawful Arachnis Project mini I suffered through years ago. Closing a lot of loops. Peter Parker is a good person to be visiting Katzenberg. I don’t care what happened to him, all the stuff I’ve seen him do to Peter & MJ? Try to ruin their lives, try to get Peter killed? Sorry, buddy, yer on yer own. But I guess that’s why Peter is a hero and I’m just a guy reading comics. In true 90s comics fashion, the next issue begins Michelinie’s final 4 on the series, but we have EIGHTEEN comics to look at before we get to them.