Woof. And it seemed like you couldn’t possibly do worse than The Old Enforcers. The Enforcers are goofy, but they’re not generic. I can’t believe they put that joke on the cover. Who thought that was a good idea? This comic appears to have been wet. I forget where it came from. Seems like an eBay. Saviuk, Rubenstein & Sharen are the sole art team this month. Picking up where we left off, Blood Rose threatens Foreigner, and vice versa, then in the now requisite 2-page splash, BR opens fire and Foreigner is inexplicably a mirror.


Spidey socks BR across the room and webs him to a wall, then rushes to see what’s left of Foreigner. He discovers the guy who got blowed up is still alive, and also not The Foreigner, he was just wearing a mask. So he takes off with that guy to get him to a hospital, leaving Bloody to free himself from the web by dislocating his shoulder. And then… we’re told it’s two weeks later? What? Why? And MJ has come to May’s house looking for Peter. It’s early in the morning, and she says he was gone when she woke up, and isn’t at The Bugle or ESU. MJ leaves, smoking of course, with an idea of where to find her errant husband.

I am so confused.

What about this required a 2 week time jump? Where did this Secret Hospital job offer come from? What in the world is supposed to be going on with Betty and Joe? Well, whatever, Spider-Man decides to go look at Foreigner’s place again, tho I can’t fathom why, and is attacked by “The New Enforcers.” The blue & purple guy on the cover is Z-lister The Eel, and the lady is apparently Blitz. Spider-Man dodges Eel’s zaps, but not Blitz’s fists in the process.

Spidey keeps dancing with these yutzes for awhile, and just as I’m beginning to wonder if “The New Enforcers” are just 2 people, the rest of them show up.

Aw, jeez. Not exactly a team for the ages. Suddenly, we’re off to an “interlude” with Richard Fisk and Trench drawn by Derek Yaniger after all.

This guy sure doesn’t look like Richard Fisk. Trench shows up with a deer for dinner, but Fisk-or-whoever is intent on leaving town. Even tho Trench tells him there’s no way off the island. So did he not come here on purpose? He said he was in his boat going to see a doctor, and then he wound up here. Is this all a coincidence? Because that’s awful.

No one could possibly earn the name “Gauntlet.” Or want to, for that matter.

It’s Spawn! I mean, uh, Nightwatch! If you don’t know Spawn, he looks like this:

I mean, this is so funny to me. Nightwatch is like a 3rd generation copy. One more page:

Not a shred of this issue made any sense. I’m kind of surprised I don’t understand better. Are they trying to retcon it so Richard Fisk was never The Rose? Is “Gauntlet” Alfredo? I guess the stage is set for a big, totally nonsensical showdown in Web 100!