She doesn’t like logos. It’s a war on logos. Bud La Rosa on inks and Nel Yomtov on colors this time as the boys find Spidey’s tracer pinned to the floor by one of The Surgeon General’s knives in some random building.

DD uses his super senses to find… well…

Despite a long history of web bats and web hang gliders and whatnot, this has to be the weirdest use of Spider-Man’s web ever. We move off to find The Surgeon General, whose real name is preposterously Angelina Kutter, meeting with some guy who’s paying her for all these organs, who’s not happy about the delay. We see her goon Jebediah from last issue drop and step on his keys, as he must have with that roach, and then it’s off to Matt Murdock’s office. We’re told “Medeko” locks like the one that key belongs to are so fancy they keep a database of who owns the keys to avoid duplication, and Matt’s just gotten Kutter’s real name using the number from the key.

Oh. Maybe Terror will feature in the story after this one. That’s a shame, I was looking forward to seeing him. We follow Spider-Man and Daredevil to the address Kutter’s key belongs to, but they’ve already cleared it out. Luckily, it and the previous place both bore the stench of the docks where she meets her boss, so DD thinks he knows how to find her. Her next caper is much more involved, faking a case of food poisoning at a late night restaurant frequented by young business professionals, then showing up as a medical expert to declare a quarantine and head in with her goons to cut open all the patrons. They manage to cut up a few people before our heroes come crashing through a skylight.

As DD gets his bearings, Spider-Man webs the fleeing goons, leaving just The Surgeon General herself. DD chases her into one of those glass skywalks, and Spider-Man is suddenly on the glass cracking wise, when she sees her goons coming in the van below and smashes her tank of knock out gas into a metal sign to… make it explode. This seems hard to believe, and also like a pretty terrible plan. But explode it does, and the heroes and the villain are flung out of the shattering skywalk.

An epilogue previews what’ll happen in DD next adventure, but that’s not our concern. What a weird story. Certainly some unusual moves. I’m not sure I ever fully understood… anything about the villain. Is she just a regular lady? Some of Chichester’s purple prose tried to intimate that she was able to get over on DD & Spidey so easily because they were so horrified by her crimes, but, like, come on. Who was her boss? What was her deal? Internet says she doesn’t appear in anymore comics. Strange.