The more I see these covers, the more I wonder how Wildman feels about the art inside. He is clearly not doing the whole Image thing. It’s all Baskerville. Anyway, it’s pretty much just chaos now. Spidey, Mikashi, The General and some dark suits are going down a tunnel when Spider-Drake smashes through the wall. Then Spoiler is also with them, even though he wasn’t on the first page, and as the Drake thing grabs him up, he yells that it’s spitting acid. Like a spider!

I got nothing for this. As Spidey escapes with Mikashi, and Mikashi notes that that kid in his office back in #1 was also melted, and that this acid spit was part of the plan the whole time, I begin to think no one in this comic or making it knows anything about spiders. Like, anything. Also, I guess the Jury happened down the same hallway as we followed Spidey away.

A lot to take in on this page. “Endomorphic boogieman.” That one guy IDing the monster as Drake somehow. Drake’s diaper. Nope, they are not in the same hallway, as the caption says “One level below…” when we return to The General and the dark suits. I guess space has as little meaning as time here. The dark suits turn on him, but are stunned by his son, Screech. Saved By The Bell! I knew there would be a place in this to say that eventually. Spidey finds a hatch to get Mikashi to the surface.

Looks like they shot his diaper off. I hope he can hold it for awhile. Elsewhere, The General and Screech are packing up to leave, The General fully intent on leaving The Jury to die. Screech is not happy about that. As Spider-Man finds his way back in and sees goons packing a jet with supplies, he says he can “still hear the various battles raging in the distance.” What… various battles? Everyone’s fighting Drake. Also, where is Venom? Did he fall asleep? We at least see what Sneak Thief and Miho are doing…

Miho was a full grown woman before, Sneak Thief must be enormous. Also: Miho was strapped up and shooting people earlier, now she’s a scared little girl? Also: For the hundreth time, what is WITH the DIALOGUE in this COMIC? To Wildman’s credit, as Sneak Thief and Miho outfit themselves in cast off Jury gear, it’s all recognizable from previous issues. Miho decides her new name is GUNPLAY, because of course she does, and now they’re ready to go kick the aforementioned “buttinski.” Elsewhere, Drake is about to eat one of them… I think Firearm?…When Spidey shows up and webs Drake’s face, allowing The Jury to regroup.

In the hangar, Screech and his dad get to the plane Spidey saw earlier, which has Treece in it. I thought Drake said he killed Treece? Who cares? The General has decided they’re gonna keep hanging with Treece.

Screech started this comic as a bloodthirsty psychopath. He’s really changed. Somewhere else, Mikashi is trying to climb down an air shaft, nearly passing out from blood loss and spouting a bunch of “a white guy clearly wrote this” stuff about his karma and his honor and losing face as he continues on his suicide mission to do… something or other. Spidey fights the Drake thing a little more, and then we see Mikashi is disabling the cooling on the nuclear reactor. Uh… ok. So his plan is to kill himself, his daughter, and Spider-Man in the process of killing Drake instead of letting the superhero do his job? Great plan, dumby! As self-destruct warnings start broadcasting throughout the bunker, Drake rushes off to try to stop it, leaving Spidey and The Jury to form an uneasy alliance to find and rescue Sneak Thief and Miho. Sorry, GUNPLAY. Speaking of whom…

The screen goes blank for no obvious reason. Miho says she has no reason to live now, but Sneak Thief talks her out of staying there to die, and then they IMMEDIATELY find Spidey & The Jury. One panel later. Everyone’s ready to roll, so of course…

WHERE has this drooling idiot been for the last issue and a half?? We saw him enter the facility, and the way the timestamps are incoherently flying around, that coulda been WEEKS ago, at this point! Why does he keep saying “hoo ha?” Where did that come from? Ugh. UUUGH. Only one issue left. Let’s put this behind us next time.