66 & etc.

Hey, surprise, it’s over! I felt like this might work best all run together. Maybe not, I dunno. But, yeah, that’s it. Hope you liked it. I think I’m mostly ok with it. Always things that could’ve been done better. That’s the struggle. Carrying the big climax there without words sounds like a cool idea when you’re writing, but really makes you wish you were a better artist when drawing.

Didn’t miss drawing the tentacle thing one bit, as it turns out.

Different challenges with this story. Different structure, more characters, way more interior design (Which, I’ve discovered, I don’t enjoy at all. I’ve been surprised to enjoy coming up with clothes, buildings and vehicles for this, but interior design is not my thing). Not sure the timeline quite lined up, in the end. It was cool having the 3D model this time, although I think I’ve decided its roads are too wide, and fixing that would be akin to starting over. Still, I could never have done those big shots of the city without the new model, and I think those were some of the best things I did this time out. I need to get some mountains in that model. Every outdoor panel, I had to refer back to old pages and sort of piece together where the mountains were. I almost managed to get all family members into at least one panel. I designed everybody’s whole families, just didn’t end up having room for them all. I’m sure we’ll be seeing everyone I didn’t introduce next time.

So, what’s next? Nothing! Nothing in 2015, anyway. I’m taking the rest of the year off. I have a lot of work left to do before I can start my next story. I don’t think I could feasibly have it running before December, and then there’s Christmas and New Year’s and you’ll have better things to do than read this and Il’l be busy. Seems like it’d be better to wait.

But, next year! Sometime! I would assume January! We’ll get back into it. I can tell you the next one is going to move a lot faster. So far, I’ve done things in not-quite-real time. The skip to sunset was the longest gap of time I’ve skipped to date, I think. But I’m picking up the pace next time. You’re gonna see the kids’ school, get a little more familiar with their lifestyles, and, uh, I suspect it’s about time we started seeing just what’s up with the lights in the woods. That’s for later, though.

I may decide to write and draw a short story that has nothing to do with this in the meantime. Seems like it’d be a nice change of pace. We’ll see. Thanks, as always, for reading. I’m sure I’ll keep you posted on when to expect the next installment. See ya later.

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