ASM 240-245 & Annual 17, MTU 129-134 & Annual 6, TAC 80-83. The middle 3rd of Stern/Romita’s landmark ASM. The Hobgoblin mystery heats up! Marvelous Mary Jane returns to the fold after 4+ years away! Black Cat gets out of a long stint in the hospital! After trying to kill The Kingpin, The Punisher goes on trial! The 2nd and 3rd appearances of Cloak & Dagger! The Vulture breaks out of jail due to copyright infringement! The Mad Thinker tries to unlock the secret of Spidey’s danger sense, in a story that won’t pay off for 12 years! Due to multi-part stories and a few where regular ol’ drug dealers and/or the Punisher were the villain, not many bad guys in this one. But I still made it tougher on myself by deciding to throw in the whole supporting cast of this era. Police Lt. Keating, who hates Spider-Man, Sgt. Snider, who likes him, and Captain Jean DeWolff, who secretly loves him. The fraying relationship of Ned & Betty Leeds, the tumultuous romance of Lance Bannon & Amy Powell, the prospering relationships of Harry & Liz Osborn, JJJ & Marla Madison, and Aunt May & Nathan Lubensky. Joe Robertson is also present, but his family’s almost never in the book at this point. Plus team-up with The Fantastic Four, The New Mutants, Jack of Hearts, Vision & Scarlet Witch, and (sigh), The Fabulous Frog-Man against Dr. Faustus, just some drug dealers, SHIELD, a bunch of evil robots, and (sigh) The White Rabbit, respectively. With a Spidey referenced from a Romita, Jr. in ASM 242. Originally drawing #23.