
ASM 525-531, MKSM 19-22, Sensational Spider-Man, Vol. 2 23-27, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man 1-10, SMU, Vol. 2 12 & 14, New Avengers 14-20 & Annual 1, the Pulse 12-13, Young Avengers 11-12, Fantastic Four Special, Spider-Man Family Presents Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends, Web of Romance. I forgot to draw Stan Lee for the Stan Lee Meets Spider-Man one-shot and Blade for the first issue of his series. This is too much product. This makes the 90s look tame. Well, you know. Spider-Man is dying, and an assemblage of the Marvel U’s biggest brains can’t cure him, and Dr. Strange can’t help, either. Then Morlun comes back and beats Spider-Man near to death, but then Spider-Man turns into a monster and eats him before dying, shedding his skin, putting himself in a cocoon, and emerging just fine with new powers, his 2nd death and rebirth with new powers in just 15 months. Along the way, he meets the forgettable new villain Tracer, fights the Ox, runs in to Daredevil, and makes his family and the Avengers explore options to cover up his superhero career when they think he’s dead. Then a lady made of spiders shows up and says she’s his opposite, and immediately leaves without doing anything. Elsewhere, Tony Stark makes Spider-Man an ugly new armored suit. Stegron the Dinosaur Man uses a magic rock to make animal-themed heroes and villains go feral like it’s the 1970s, the Lizard’s son briefly also becomes a Lizard, and Spider-Man stops him with help from Madame Web, and also Black Cat & Puma begin a relationship. The insane villain Big Wheel tries to become a hero, and he and Spider-Man take down Shocker. Stilt-Man was around also. Spider-Man gets between two mystical Mexican wrestlers with ancient beef. The New Avengers help the Young Avengers fend off an invasion by the Kree & Skrulls with the help of the Super-Skrull, and then stop an evil cloud from possessing Magneto with help from Quake over Maria Hill’s objections. Spider-Woman reveals she’s a double agent working with Nick Fury. Spider-Man & Black Cat run afoul of a Doombot. Absurd time travel and interdimensional travel nonsense leave an Uncle Ben from an alternate timeline trapped in the main one and upset that Aunt May is dating Jarvis. Jessica Jones & Luke Cage have a baby, and then get married, which is not interrupted by Yelena Belova, now a Super-Adaptoid, going on a rampage. Spidey helps the FF deal with a very complicated plot by Dr. Doom. Flash Thompson wakes from his coma having forgotten most of the last few years and starts teaching gym at Peter’s school. Ben Urich investigates D-Man. J. Jonah Jameson lambasts the Avengers for letting Spider-Man join them. Tony Stark and Peter Parker go to Washington to try to stop the passing of a Superhuman Registration Act, and also to fight Titanium Man and talk about Abraham Lincoln a lot. Spider-Man tries to play matchmaker for Iceman & Firestar, but it doesn’t work out, and they also let the Beetle escape from a crime scene. Aaaaaaaand across a week where he fights Mandrill and Dragon-Man, Peter Parker wonders what to get Mary Jane for Valentine’s Day, and eventually gives her her own webshooters. Surely that’s everything. Too much!Primary objectives here were to show the terrible new costume and use a Mike Wieringo drawing, as it is perhaps my last chance to do either, so that’s what’s in the middle. I remember when I could color one of these in a day instead of 2 weeks…