

This one covers Amazing Fantasy 15, Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 1 1-10, Strange Tales Annual 2 form the 60s, and also Untold Tales of Spider-Man 1-9 & Amazing Fantasy 16-18 from 1996. The introduction of Spidey, his friends and foes. His first meetings with The FF and first team-ups with The Human Torch. His first defeat at the hands of Doc Ock, first scuffles with JJJ, first love in Betty Brant. Big stuff. And I also read the 1990s Untold Tales stuff that weaved new stories in between the classics, and the 90s Amazing Fantasy comics that expanded on what happened between his first 2 appearances. I decided I didn’t really want to include stuff from the 90s comics in my 60s drawing, with the exception of Peter’s extra classmates Jason, Sally & Tiny up top because they filled out the idea. This was as much fun to do as the previous one was miserable. Trying to really dig into how Ditko designed everything and incorporate some of his choices into my thing. Trying to follow Kirby for the FF & Doom without copying him. All the classic villains. Just a lot of fun. Spider-Man copied from 2 Ditko drawings (Figure from one, head from another). Because I did these out of order, this was actually drawing #38.