This one opens with more of the flashback to the accident, with the implication that Spider-Man helped Charlie.

Charlie manages to find a phone in time (Rather improbably), and Spider-Man’s shadow is seen swooping in to save the guy before he jumps. Charlie is there with him on the ground, as the disoriented would-be jumper talks about losing his job and his saving and his wife being mad at him. Charlie offers to drive him home for free. How many times does Charlie call the Bugle and get nothing? It’s not like Peter’s there very often. This premise is nice, but doesn’t hold up to much scrutiny. It would play much better in an era where both Charlie and Peter had cell phones, but it’s still late 2001, and they’re not totally common yet.

Not sure what that’s about. Next, we see those 3 goons from last issue casing a bank, and then Charlie applies for a job as a security guard at a jewelry store by stealing a necklace and bringing it to his interview as proof they need him, which actually works.

Alrighty. Next, we find those 3 hoods robbing some teens making out in a car… real big time criminals, they are… when Charlie pulls up. How on Earth would he know where they were?

What’s Charlie really up to? No idea, but we’ll see next time.